happy new year…

Posted on Saturday 31 December 2005


Back in 2001 everyone sent wavy little flags on their emails and put them on their cars. It was about 911 then. But then came the war in Iraq, and the wavy flags meant something else, and there were the yellow ribbon stickers on the cars. I wanted to be a patriot, and support our troops, but I couldn’t bring myself to put those things on my car. They seemed to have some other meaning. What I wanted to do was fly a black flag on my antenna, at half mast, but it seemed foolish. I think 2005 has ended well for me in that regard, because as dark as things have been, I feel like there’s a light somewhere down this tunnel.

So I’m ending my year with a bit of public patriotism of the kind that matters to me – the flags we flew when we first started this experiment.  Those guys had a good idea, and I hope we can get back to it in this coming year. Best wishes for a great year to each of you, and to this place we call home.


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