
Archive for March, 2006

treasongate again and again…

  Risking Monotony, I continue: Uranium from Africa and the Niger Forgeries: When did the CIA first receive copies of the Niger uranium forgeries? – Part 2: The Dog That Did Not Bark, Again The C.I.A. not only ignored the receipt of the Niger documents in October 2002, they also ignored reports in December 2002 […]

the left coaster’s conclusions II…

  In his first series, Eriposte definitively showed that there were relatively massive holes in the Administration’s story about the prewar Iraq Intelligence and in the Senate SSCI Report. There is clear evidence that there was one version of the Niger Forgeries and that there was access to these documents well before their advertised arrival […]

the left coaster’s conclusions I…

  In his first series, Eriposte examined the public documents, public statements, and the Senate Report (SSCI) on the Niger Forgeries. He reached the following conclusions in his final post last August: "The Senate Report did not conclude or prove that Saddam Hussein was, in fact, seeking significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Indeed, it […]