
Posted on Wednesday 24 May 2006

"What this latest round of Internet theorizing shows is that there are people who have a deep emotional investment in the belief that Rove is a criminal, and that those people will suspend their critical faculties to accept almost any scenario that supports their belief. Nothing that happens—or doesn’t happen—will change that."

Byron York, The Internet Search for the Rove “Indictment”

As one of those people [who have a deep emotional investment in the belief that Rove is a criminal], I agree with Mr. York in this case. People like me don’t think the indictment deliberations are about Mr. Rove’s guilt or innocence. We think they’re about whether the charges can be made to stick. His guilt is unquestioned, in this and multiple other matters. Most members of this Administration have already admitted to enough publicly to justify their immediate removal from office – unwarranted phone taps, irresponsible war-mongering, ignoring or misleading Congress, shameless disregard for the Constitution. Byron York has got me pegged, sure enough…

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