a broken contract…

Posted on Wednesday 31 May 2006

What it comes down to is pretty simple. The Bush Administration isn’t about the country. It’s about itself.

Appointments aren’t about picking people who would have expertise in their government positions. Appointments are about Administration loyalty and agenda. Karl Zinsmeister, editor of the American Enterprise Institute magazine has been an embedded reporter in Iraq. He’s been appointed Domestic Advisor? John Bolton was A.E.I.‘s major U.N. critic, saying the U.N. exists if it furthers our his foreign policy. So he’s appointed U.N. Ambassador? And Michael Hayden at the C.I.A.?

Hayden said the CIA must make sure it is "competent" and "cooperative" to ensure it is "central."

Supreme Court appointees have been known loyal idealogogues. "Brownie" at F.E.M.A. had no experience for his job, but was loyal. It just goes on and on. And Harriet Myers? Currently Dick Cheney reviews all legislation to make sure it doesn’t dim the power of the Unitary Executive. But, most of all. The war in Iraq is not about the country’s needs. It’s about the neoconservative foreign policy agenda.

What it comes down to is pretty simple. The Bush Administration isn’t about the country. It’s about itself.

I often wonder if this is what he and Laura thought about in their "Wonder Years" [the years before he met Karl Rove]?


Somehow, I kind of doubt it. The great tragedy is that he could still step up to the plate and do the right thing, but neither we nor he even consider that a possibility…

Sometimes, I wonder if he even knows how much he’s been used…

    May 31, 2006 | 9:25 AM

    Hi Mickey,

    Long time no scribble. Sorry ’bout that I don’t come here near often enough. Just to say i liked your comment on FDL about how the coup and Neo.cons eat their own. Very true, that’s what imperialists do.

    Imperium uber alles.

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