I wrote Reverend Dale Youngs [see below] about his invocation to the Texas Republican Party. He responded:
When I prayed the prayer, I was not refering only to Mexican aliens. I specifically referred to Al Qaeda in my prayer and the threat of terrorism that is coming up through our southern border. It is well-documented that there are many "sleeper cells" in the U.S. just waiting to be activated – those aliens in our midst who have infiltrated our borders with the intent to do us harm.I’m sorry that you felt offended by my words. It was certainly not my wish that anyone would walk away from that meeting feeling slighted or lessened. Let me include some of the rest of my prayer for you to see again before you accuse me of racism….
"How we need your wisdom for the so-called immigration situation! But its not just a situation. Its men and women and children, flesh and blood people for whom your Son died, people with stories and hopes and dreams. We know that your Law tells us not to deprive the alien in our midst of justice (Deut 24:17), that the poor among us are to be able to glean the remnants from the product of our land (Ex 23:11, et al). And Lord, we too often have been guilty of turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the needs of the poor, especially those who dont look like us and who werent born within our borders. We too often are guilty of having hard hearts and closed pockets. We who have been given so much too often resent sharing anything with others.
"And finally, my Father, I pray your blessing on the people and the country of Mexico, our sister to the south, from whom so many of our own citizens claim ancestry, with whom so many of us share friendship. From your map of heaven, there are no borderlines drawn; you merely see the souls of humankind.
"Father, I pray such a blessing on Mexico, for renewal and for revival and for spiritual awakening, I pray such a blessing that the flow of traffic would be reversed, that the border patrol would stand amazed at the U.S. citizens flooding into Mexico to get a taste of the wonderful things you are doing there. May your wonder-working power be let loose on the Church of Mexico, with signs and wonders and miracles, such that we would be provoked to jealously even over the amazing things you are doing there.
"Even as I pray for the prosperity of my own nation and for the prosperity of Texas, I cannot help but to pray for the prosperity of Mexico, spiritually and economically.
"Let your glory fall on us both, Mighty God. Have mercy on us both. In both of these great lands, it is my prayer that you, Lord Jesus, would be exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords, that your kingdom would come and that your will would be done on earth even as it is done in heaven. Amen and Amen."
I appreciate his taking time to respond. I think I believe him that he prays for Mexico – that he does not hate Mexicans. However, I am unconvinced that this line:
"Lord, your words tell us there’s a sign that this nation is under a curse, when the alien who lives among us grows higher and higher and we grow lower and lower,"
means anything other than what it says. He may love Mexicans in the depth of his heart and wish them great prosperity [as long as they stay in Mexico]. He may have worries about Al Qaeda infiltrating through Mexico and doing another 911 attack. But what he’s saying here is clear as a bell, and no amount of qualification undoes the clarity of his words. He may genuinely think it’s not racism, but it sure sounds like it to me. But my point is that nothing in his response undoes the fact that he’s invoking a sign from the Lord to get rid of the aliens. It’s fine with me for him to hold the opinion that something should be done about illegal immigration. That is his right. However, it should not be fine with anyone that he sees this opinion as divinely inspired. We’ve had more than enough of that these last six years…
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