a key?

Posted on Thursday 20 July 2006

Huge news – Judge refuses to dismiss NSA lawsuit

EFF’s Class-Action Lawsuit Against AT&T for Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program

On another front but the same topic, a Federal Court has denied the President’s Power to evoke "state secrets" as a defense in a suit against A.T.& T. for collaborating with the N.S.A. in the Domestic Spying issue. Glenn Greenwald’s article has all the details. Finally, there’s some movement on the Unwarranted Domestic N.S.A. Spying. First, the revelation that Bush, himself, is trying to block a Congressional Investigation by evoking a power [he may not have] to Obstruct Justice [see below]. Now a Federal Court has denied Bush’s Power to evoke a "states secrets" argument. And, of course, there was the Supreme Court’s Hamdan decision – a scathing denial of Bush’s claim of absolute power in Wartime.

The subtext here is enormous. Bush, under the direction of Dick Cheney, has unilaterally declared himself absolute ruler, justifying his claim by Congress giving him Wartime Powers. Some of us suspect that one of the reasons to go to War was to get such power. There has never been such a direct assault on our form of government as under the Bush Administration. He essentially ignores Congress through "signing statements" appended to Congressional bills. He claims unprecedented powers to block transparency in government – keepin everything behind closed doors. His assault on the Courts is a matter of public record.

Finally, on a number of fronts, he is being challenged. Right now, the essential block is his control of Congress. Every attempt to look into things has been perverted. The most blatant example is the Congressional Investigation on the prewar Intelligence – the so-called Phase II Report. The members of the Committee simply haven’t done it. No reason. Just haven’t done it. Too busy.

So we’re still waiting for the Mother Goose solution:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Sooner or later, the truth and what’s left of our Constitution has to catch up with these people. It just has to. Hopefully, their evasion of the courts in the N.S.A. Spying and their attempts to obstruct any investigation of this power grab will be the key..

    July 21, 2006 | 11:36 AM

    Negroponte Blocks CIA Analysis of Iraq “Civil War”

    July 21, 2006 | 11:38 AM

    …while we’re waiting/hoping: This, from WMR

    arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, who acts as an unofficial foreign policy adviser to Karl Rove, was at the White House yesterday with a group of Iranian opposition figures. Among the topics discussed was a promised $25 million grant by the Bush administration to the Iranian insurgents. The money is to be used to plant Desert Storm-vintage biological and chemical weapons shells, confiscated by U.S. forces in Iraq, on the Iranian side of the Iraqi border. The weapons will be used as “proof” of Iran’s plan to “attack” U.S. troops in Iraq. That will be used to justify, ex post facto, the coming U.S. attack on Iran. Our sources report that George W. Bush dropped by the White House meeting to offer his support to the Iranian opposition operatives.

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