the anatomy of a lie…

Posted on Wednesday 26 July 2006

Today, Condi Rice held out in the face of the sentiment of the whole sane world. The United States will not vote to call for a Cease Fire between Israel and Hezbollah. Her reasons? Our reasons? You can read them in the news or see them on T.V. Something about lasting peace, blah blah blah. The real reason is as plain as the nose on her face. This Administration is tickled pink that Israel is at war with Hezbollah – tickled plumb pink.

The Bush Doctrine is clear. None of this patient ‘Cold War’ mentality for them – trying to wait out the Middle East; contain the conflicts; use diplomacy and careful attempts at living with the unresolvable; waiting for the region to mature and join the 21st Century. No sir. Let’s have us one great big war and get rid of the meanies like Hussein, or whomever is in charge of Iran, all of them. We’ll spread Democracy. Who knows? Maybe we can bring back the Shah and things will be swell like they used to be.


So, whatever Condi Rice has been sent to say is a lie. The Hawks are loose. Let’s have us one fine World War III. We’ll talk like we are the America of yester-year, but sneak our way into some gigantic conflict with about as much chance of success as our Iraqi misadventure. Tragedy in the making by the people who brought you – well, you know what they brought you. They brought you six heartbreaking years of corruption and deceit – ignoring over 200 years of the American Experiment of playing it straight.

This episode in our history may well be called:

Revenge of the Draft Dodgers:
The End of the American Dream

    July 27, 2006 | 12:00 AM

    […] Newt Gingrich’s website makes it painfully clear that this paragon of neoconservative mumbo-jumbo is going to run for President. He’s announcing for World War III. Right now, he wants to fire Condi Rice because she’s not enough of a war-monger. I’m no fan of Condi Rice, but she’s the only member of the cabinet who is competent, even if she’s deluded with the Bush Mania and lies on command [see below]. He’s hoping we’ll forget what he’s like: […]

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