and another thing…

Posted on Friday 28 July 2006

Just because the rest of the world knows that the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction or their Al Qaeda ties is a mythology created and nurtured to justify the Administration’s Iraq "regime change" agenda, doesn’t mean that the neoconservatives or their Administration cohorts know it. A year ago, I was researching the infamous Laurie Mylroie on the Internet and ran across an email address from 1998 for something called "The Iraq News," an email newsletter she sent out. Recall Laurie Mylroie, a Harvard Ph.D. who coauthored a book with Judith Miller and wrote a few of her own claiming that Saddam Hussein was responsible for just about everything bad in the world, including the Oklahoma City bombing. Then she wrote one about Bush’s heroism in ignoring the C.I.A. and the State Department, who were undermining the War on Terror.

So I wrote to be on the "Iraq News" mailing list, and lo and behold, she wrote back and said fine. I’ve receivied a couple of posts a week since then, some by her, but mostly articles from the Wall Street Journal and that William Kristoll, Weekly Standard. They’re almost all about the same things – Iran is the source of all evil, articles that claim that Saddam Hussein had all those weapons they said he had but he hid them somewhere, and articles that say that the insurgents are Hussein’s comrades. Here’s this week’s article, Fixing Iraq:

The number of bombs since the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi only reinforces our view that the majority of Sunni violence has always come from elements of the former regime, such as its KGB-trained mukhabarat, and not al Qaeda. Since Saddam’s regime was notorious for record-keeping, it shouldn’t be as hard as it has been to identify the likely troublemakers. Both the CIA and the Pentagon’s intelligence agencies have failed terribly on this score, and their leadership in Virginia needs to be held accountable.

And so it goes, week after week. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, they still think that the C.I.A. is just giving them bad information. They just know that they were right. I’m aware that I am opening myself up to the same criticism I make of the neoconservatives and the loonie talk show pundits like Rush, Ann, Michelle, O’Reilly – when they say "those Liberals think …" But I think, in this case, that George Bush and Dick Cheney still think what they’ve thought all along.

  • Iraq, Iran, Syria – the problem.
  • Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah – puppets.
  • C.I.A. – a bunch of incompetent Liberals.

The funniest one yet is the last one. I’ve never heard anyone accuse the C.I.A. of being a bunch of Liberals. Certainly it’s never been a plot for a Tom Clancy thriller. And, by the way, the C.I.A. has been right as rain so far.

In Psychiatric terms, a Delusion is a fixed, false, belief that is impervious to invalidating evidence. It’s a symptom of rather severe Mental Illness. If you pull the tooth of a delusional person who thinks there’s a transmitter in his filling sending his thoughts to the F.B.I., he will say something like, "Wrong tooth," or "Well, you might have gotten one of them."

I’m afraid that Mylroie simply represents a loud, fringey, version of what the people in power in our government actually think. Bush sure sounded like that’s what he thinks today on the George and Tony show…

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