
Archive for September, 2006


The Bush Doctrine Preemption: A policy of pre-emptive war, should the US or its allies be threatened by terrorists or by rogue states that are engaged in the production of weapons of mass destruction. Unilateralism: The right of the US to pursue unilateral military action when acceptable multi-lateral solutions cannot be found. Strength Beyond Challenge: […]

unlike Iraq, this is a world problem

My point is that Terrorism really is a world problem, a U.N. problem. Mr. Bush’s war in Iraq and Mr. Bolton’s behavior in the U.N. have been counterproductive. Our efforts needed to be directed towards mobilizing the world [U.N.] to deal with Terrorism, instead of the U.N. having to deal with our misdirected War in […]

more N.I.E. …

Sobering Conclusions On Why Jihad Has Spread As predictable and "sobering" as the results reported in the N.I.E. are, the spread of Jihad is not the main reason for opposing the War in Iraq. The main reason is that it is not a war with the Jihadifts, it was a war to bring about a […]

the N.I.E. Report…

Note: My version of the declassified report below may be hard to read. There’s a PDF file available here. By any criteria, the N.I.E. is troubling. Several things strike me about it. First, this Report cannot assess where we would be if we hadn’t invaded Iraq – if we’d stuck to the real task, and […]

the declassified N.I.E. …

Bush Makes Public Parts of Report on Terrorism    

and the beat rolls on…

Congress unlikely to pass wiretapping

is the dam finally about to break?

Since this weekend with the Clinton Interview, the N.I.E., the General’s Testimony, the Bolton non-confirmation, Pelosi’s call to Congress [UPDATE: Her proposal failed by a vote of 171-217.], and now the ‘declassification’ of the N.I.E., one has an "Okefenokee feeling" [Okefenokee means "trembling earth"]. Is the dam finally about to break on the Administration and […]

when will they ever learn…

Bush orders declassification of analysis President Bush said Tuesday that critics who believe the Iraq war has worsened terrorism are naive, and he ordered the partial declassification of a high-level intelligence analysis that has stirred heated election-season argument on the subject. At a White House news conference, Bush acknowledged that the fighting in Iraq has […]

and in the BIG tent!

  Take a look at the UPDATE: in this FDL post from Reddhedd, Ain’t All Blue Skies…. UPDATE:  I was on a briefing call with Nancy Pelosi that ended a few minutes ago.  Leader Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in the House requested a closed, secret session today to deal with the revelations reported regarding […]

large sigh of relief…

BIG NEWS: John Bolton Confirmation Battle Really, Really Dead