fool me twice…

Posted on Monday 9 October 2006

Unfortunately, our government is not in a position to respond competently to North Korea’s provocation. We expect that Mr. "Axis of Evil," George W. Bush, to come out with sabers drawn, and it will be impossible for us to determine if whatever he says is a reasonable response or yet another political move to divert attention from the plummeting confidence in his Administration. In retrospect, the sudden great urgency to go to war in Iraq is suspect lately for a new reason. Information from a variety of directions suggests a new motive – to divert our attention from the fact that his Administration ignored repeated loud warnings that al Qaeda was about to attack the U.S. prior to 911. It’s easy to speculate that the Iraq War was a fine diversion that they thought would be a walk in the park. It was as they predicted in dealing with Hussein, but there were some other things going on there – big other things, predictable other things.

So, whatever Bush wants to do about North Korea will be wrong – wrong because we’ve effectively taken ourselves off of the world stage as competent by his last six years of inept bravado. Another typical Bush move might be to reappoint Bolton as U.N. Ambassador, another interim, claiming that we need someone in the U.N. to deal with this crisis. That’s true, but it sure ain’t Bolton. Our fate is in the hands of the sensible heads in the U.N. and our own voters in November.

Is the world awake? Is our Congress awake? Is America awake? We’ll see…

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

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