Turkey Day…

Posted on Wednesday 22 November 2006

I was thinking about tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, and its history. The original was to celebrate the survival of the Pilgrims, after a grim winter. Last year, this time, we had our first group Thanksgiving at Stump Hill, a playhouse we built for such gatherings. It was a grand occasion, but I remember thinking there wasn’t much America had to be thankful for. Scooter Libby’s recent indictment was little reward for the fine mess our Neoconservative government had made of things.

This year, we’re still in Iraq, and the President and Vice President are still in the White House, but the elections of 2006 are just over and were glorious. As far as we have to go to reclaim our country, at least we have a chance now. I’m going to be sure to thank whatever God’s may be tomorrow. It’s still hard to believe that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel, but compared to this time last year… Well it’s just something to be really thankful for.


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