and from the courtroom…

Posted on Monday 26 February 2007

The day began with a big bruhaha. A juror, a seventy year old Art Curator [the one who didn’t wear a Valentine’s Day tee-shirt last week] either exposed herself to or was exposed to information about the case over the weekend. She was excused [been there, done that, no tee-shirt]. The issue became plodding ahead with eleven jurors or bringing in an Alternate. Wells was happy with the decision to plod ahead. Fizgerald was not.

Then Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake was reconnected with the blue/grey glasses she lost earlier, but subsequently lost her phone and wallet in the bathroom. That was right before the power went out in the whole building. The jury deliberated by window-light. The Media watched as the UPS lights started to blink on the WiFi and their lap-top batteries began to drain. But then the power came back on around 4:00 PM and order was restored to the kingdom. So then, someone turned in Jane Hamsher’s wallet and phone to the lost and found. All’s well that ends well.

Oh yeah. Zipola from the jury… 

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