![]() ![]() Chaos Theory brings the dimension of non-linearity to mathematics [and gives us beautiful images to ponder]. Essentially, the theory posits that there is order in chaos, that chaos occurs at the edge of different types of order. So the cool ocean and the warm atmosphere interact to produce beautiful clouds and turbulent weather. The edge between ice and water produce the infinitely variation of snow flakes. It’s only on the edge of things that complexity and variance appear – the center of things [the black forms in the images above of the Mandelbrot set] are ordered and simple.
The so called U.S. Attorney Firing scandal [Purge-Gate] may be beginning to make more sense. Originally, the focus was on the firing of seven U.S. Attorneys on December 4, 2006. The clarity is coming on the edge, almost off the Radar. There were two other firings, before the November elections – also a number of other suspicious quittings. As for the quittings, Deborah Wong Yang in California who was about to indict Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis took a lucritive job with a private firm – the one defending Congressman Lewis. In Minnesota, Thomas Heffelfinger was prosecution Republican donor Dr. William McGuire for Stock Option fraud and was replaced by Rachel Paulose, who was with the firm defending McGuire. But it’s a toss up there, because Heffelfinger was also an ombudsman for the Native Americans – not a popular position with the Administration. Those were just some of the quittings. But what of the firings?
In Arkansas, Tim Griffin replaced Bud Cummins. From the start, they admitted it was because Griffin was one of Rove’s fair haired boys from the RNC and the Civil Rights section of the DoJ [revise your thoughts about the meaning of the words "Civil Rights"]. They wanted Tim to have a place. Even that may have been a lie. It seems that Bud Cummins was investigating Missouri Governor Matt Blunt and a law firm he had hired to work with his campaign – specifically a lawyer Mark "Thor" Hearne [Why an Arkansas U.S. Attorney was investigating a Missouri Governor is lost on me]. Who is Mark "Thor" Hearne [Let’s call him Thor]. ? It’s a long story, but here’s the short version [see the BradBlog for the whole story]. Thor is a Republican Lawyer, active in the National Republican Lawyers Association, in charge of their voter’s fraud initiative. He was also the Chief Counsel to the Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign.
When Congressman Bob Ney [now in prison, an Abramoff casualty] held hearings on voter irregularities in the Ohio 2004 election, Thor testified to the widespread voter fraud in Ohio as a representative of the American Center for Voting Rights. It turns out that this auspicious group was incorporated by a post office box in Dallas Texas four days before his testimony, and put up its web site a couple of days later. As of yet, no one knows who owns their headquarters [the post office box]. But then, he and two other members of this post office box organization were members of the Election Assistance Commission, a group of experts convened to study voter fraud. Who else was on this Commission? Big guys. Here’s a Report that lists the members and their conclusions [but I’m getting ahead of myself]. Just note that two of the people are Joseph Rich and Craig Donsanto, two long time career DoJ lawyers involved with voter’s rights.
Well, the Commission met about a year ago, and concluded that there wasn’t any evidence of widespread voter fraud. There was one dissenting opinion, the guys from the American Center for Voting Rights [Imagine that]. But anyway, you didn’t hear about that report, because it wasn’t released. It didn’t get released until December 6, 2007 – after the election – after the U.S. Attorneys were fired – and it had been altered! It’s findings watered down. So Thor is a Republican Operative from St. Louis, posing as an expert working for a made up organization. He’s involved in the Bush campaign, he was an "observer" in the Florida 2000 recount, he’s active in the National Republican Lawyers Association, and he’s under suspicion in the Missouri Governor’s race. The U.S. Attorney who was investigating him was abruptly replaced by one of Karl Rove’s Political Operatives, friend of Monica Goodling.
Meanwhile, still in Missouri, there was a hell of a race for a Senate seat – neck and neck. Todd Graves, U.S. Attorney in Missouri was replaced [before the election] by Bradley Schlozman [the odious worm who testified last week also from the Civil Rights section]. Schlozman, as you know, brings a voter fraud suit four days before the election against the Guidelines for U.S. Attorneys, Guidelines written by Craig Donsanto [I told you to remember his name]. It seems that it must’ve been an attempt to influence the voters in the Senate race. It didn’t work, by the way. The Demorcrat won by a nose.
Last week, Bradley Schlozman was testifying, and claimed Craig Donsanto told him to go ahead with the suit. David Iglesias, fired USA in New Mexico, says that it is inconceivable that what Schlozman said was true. Donsanto, he claims, would never say that. Oh yeah, that other name on the Election Assistance Commission, Joseph Rich? He wrote the editorial in the L.A. Times quoted in full in my last post accusing the Republicans of destroying and politicizing the DoJ.
See the order? It’s pretty clear. There are a bunch of Republican Clones inside and outside of the DoJ trying to get control of the voting process through hook or crook to keep the Republicans in power in perpetuity. Missouri has been ground zero for the plan.
- American Center for Voting Rights, Vote Fraud, Intimidation & Suppression in the 2004 Presidential Election (8/2/05)
- American Center for Voting Rights, Vote Fraud Exhibits A-O (8/2/05)
- American Center for Voting Rights, Vote Fraud Exhibits P-Q (8/2/05)
- American Center for Voting Rights, Vote Fraud Exhibits R-U (8/2/05)
- More American Center for Voting Rights Litigation Documents
- People for the American Way, Report on American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund
- Prof. Richard L. Hasen, The Fraudulent Fraud Squad (5/18/07)
- The BradBlog reports on the American Center for Voting Rights
- The Scales of Justice by Murray Waas
- More on the American Center for Voting Rights TPM Cafe`
I hope everybody on the Senate judiciary committee is taking notes because this is very complicated. I used to be a Eucharistic Minister in the Catholic church but I began to have problems with important stances the church had and I left. I actually feel more spiritual than I did before. I guess my point is that aren’t there any religious right people having similar problems with the corruption in the Republican party of Rove, Delay, Ney, Abramoff, Gingrich etc. ? Of course the Republican talk machines point out how bad the Democrats William Jefferson is but isn’t it a little silly when they have so many more to choose from.
Another difference is that we say, “throw the book at Jefferson. Shame on him…”
I agree with you about throwing the book at Jefferson. I just can’t stand Republicans jumping on the Democrats with such bravado. We have so much more to be outraged about don’t you think?