my, my…

Posted on Tuesday 28 August 2007

Well, I was going to skip over Larry Craig. No need to pile on. It looks pretty cut and dried from here. But Larry Craig is no quitter.

What’s interesting is his Hubris. He has been suspected of being Gay for years. It’s all over the Internet. Gay is okay, except for the fact that he’s a Gay Basher extraordinaire. So, he gets picked up on a sting at the Minneapolis Airport. The arresting officer doesn’t know who he is. There’s no connection between the Minneapolis cops and the bloggers who’ve been after Craig, or the Idaho Statesman who’ve been investigating him. Some cop was just doing his job, trying to keep the illicit sex trollers out of the men’s room. So, Craig gets picked up. He tries to flash his Senator credentials, but that gets him nowhere. So he pleads guilty.

Now, with the Conservatives dumping him like a hot potato, he’s coming out swinging. His story is shaky. He plead guilty, he says, because he was afraid. He was afraid because all the evil people have been hounding him. All the evil people have been hounding him because…

That part isn’t clear.

Either, he is the unluckiest guy on the planet, always getting picked on by random gay watchers, OR he’s digging a hole to China. Maybe people pick on him because he talks like a telephone answering machine or NOAA weather radio.

I wonder how this made it to the Press?

    August 29, 2007 | 4:11 PM

    I am having a hard time deciding who is more of a sad story. Craig or Haggard. I think it’s going to have to be Haggard because he keeps digging new holes, and all Craig is doing is digging his deeper.

    August 29, 2007 | 9:39 PM

    Craig thinks that righteous indignation, blaming the newspaper [that hadn’t even published their investigation], or vigorous denials will carry the day. Too many incidents, too many suspicions, and a story that doesn’t wash. Men don’t spend much time in public bathroom stalls. It’s just a fact.

    I doubt there are many men who believe him just based on intuition. I expect that’s why even his colleagues want him out of the way fast. The other thing is that male “gay-dar” is pretty strong. His colleagues probably already “knew” or, at least, when it’s brought up thought, “I’m not surprised.”

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