
Archive for November, 2007

a lost voice…

Goodbye, Mr. Bush By Sidney Blumenthal Under crisis conditions of an extraordinary magnitude political leadership of the highest level will be required in the next presidency. The damage is broad, deep and spreading, apparent not only in international disorder and violence, the unprecedented decline of U.S. prestige, and the flouting of our security and economic […]

hurrah, hurrah…

Extreme Makeover, Iraq Occupation Edition Are you ready for another “We’ve always been at war with Eastasia” moment from the Orwell Bush administration? Ready or not, here we go, says the Washington Post today: "Senior military commanders here now portray the intransigence of Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government as the key threat facing the U.S. effort in […]

take the simple path – NO…

Congress Takes Up Terrorist Surveillance The Senate Judiciary Committee punted on Thursday over whether to shield telecommunications companies from civil lawsuits for allegedly helping the government eavesdrop on Americans. That decision — the main sticking point in a rewrite of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — will be left to the full Senate. The FISA […]


Newsweek to Hire Karl Rove Newsweek is hiring Karl Rove to be a spokesperson for the “right” to balance Markos of Daily Kos. As the man who took Bush’s approval rating from 88% to 25%, I think he’s a perfect. And nice to know they’ll have someone “civil” to balance out those foul-mouthed bloggers: Eventually, […]

rule of law?

No Good at Nation-Building By Robert D. Novak A bus full of 15 Iraqi lawyers carrying a four-page, single-spaced letter to President Bush arrived at the White House on Tuesday. Their mission was to request less U.S. help in building prisons and more in establishing the rule of law. There was no immediate official response, […]

just in case you missed it…

from TPM Media

President Bush? Marginalize and Ignore…

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is “considering” pro forma sessions during Thanksgiving break to stop President Bush from using the break to install any of his outstanding executive branch nominees.” Controversial Surgeon General nominee Dr. James Holsinger expects a recess appointment… Think Progress It’s a good idea. I’ll fly up and cook them Thanksgiving dinner. […]


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. from the left coaster: American bishops warn Catholics that supporting a politician who is not anti-abortion is to be guilty of cooperating with a "grave evil." Evidently this is a worse sin than torture. Or preemtive war. Or even destroying the planet […]

a note…

It’s raining outside here in the Georgia Mountains – for the second night since Governor Sonny Perdue’s prayer vigil for rain on the Capital steps. Maybe miracles are non-partisan after all…

should be interesting…

… Beyond Mukasey’s Confirmation, White House Liability Issues Loom Large Though it failed to send his nomination the way of Robert Bork, attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey’s evasiveness on the definition of torture has done something historic. It has made it unmistakably clear to mainstream observers that the president may be criminally liable for violating […]