
Posted on Sunday 13 January 2008

The traditional dichotomes – Liberal versus Conservative – aren’t working very well these days. Traditionally, the argument had meaning. What we’re dealing with right now is eight years of incompetence and double talk. Bush and Cheney oppose big government spending while spending us into a recession. They are compassionate conservatives who torture people – faith-based sadists.

Incompetence trumps Liberal/Conservative arguments. As we listen to the candidates argue with each other about policies, issues, programs, etc., I think most of us are privately wondering if a given candidate is competent. Will they restore the Justice system? Will they shepherd us out of the K-Street Lobbying pork-barrel Legislative days? Will the restore diplomacy to foreign policy? Will they be rational with national defense? Will they address Health Care and the Economy? Will they "govern" instead of flaunting their personality flaws on the national stage? Who cares what their race, gender, ideology is? I think we care mostly if they can do the job they’re being hired to do? Are they frightened children or competent adults?

Now there’s a dichotome we can get our minds around – frightened children versus competent adults

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