one more year…

Posted on Sunday 20 January 2008

I don’t know whether to say joyfully, "Only one more year before Bush and Cheney are gone!" or to say sadly, "We have to live through a whole year before Bush and Cheney are gone!"
365 more days…
    January 21, 2008 | 3:19 PM

    i can’t stand the thought of another day with these awful people. I was thinking about MLK and his holiday today. I thought of him in glowing terms. He was brave, and seemed to care deeply for his people and all people who were poor and discriminated against. He talked about peaceful demonstrations when others wanted unrest etc. My Mom who is really a nice lady believed like a lot of people that Martin Luther King was an awful man who disturbed and made a nusiance of himself by having those so-called peace demonstrations. A nice young man in junior high had to write about MLK for a school project recently and he had to interview someone who had been a WW11 survivor. He asked her what she thought of MLK and she said he was an awful man and a womanizer to boot. The kid almost feel off his chair in shock. My Mom like a lot of her generation believed all the whispering of J Edgar Hoover the former FBI head that he was a bad guy who caused trouble. Something I haven’t added about my Mom is that she is a Republican thru n thru. That might explain a lot about her attitude about MLK. If there is a heaven, I hope he is looking down and smiling at those of us who honor him and his cause and I hope he has his wife by his side.

    January 23, 2008 | 3:06 PM

    I don’t know what your doing right now but I hope you are well. I’m sure you heard about the Center of Public Integrity report concerning the Bush Administrations path to war called the “The War Game”. It’s a well documented look at all the lies told to us by Bush, Powell, Cheney, Rumsfield, Rice, etc. There are over 900 lies told and the report tells you who said what. Bush told the most lies and Powell was a close second. I hope the public finally wakes up to this president and his gang who lied us to war and has done more damage to our country and the world we live in. IMPEACH them already.

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