2 + 2 + 2 = 100 …

Posted on Wednesday 25 June 2008

So we’re coming down to the wire. Two months of this preConvention bickering and posturing. Two months of nail biting while they’re campaigning. The election. Then two plus months to bite our nails again wondering what the righteous Bush/Cheney team will try to pull off before the inauguration [like bombing Iran]. Rising gas prices, loan failures, flooding, the coming recession, war in Iraq, threats of terrorism, bitchy whiney politicians with dirty tricks and talking points. It doesn’t sound very uplifting to me.

What can come of such a time that will be to our advantage as a country? A couple of things come to mind. The first is putting some of the horror of the last eight years into clearer focus. That seems to be happening with all of the belated Reports and Congressional Hearings. While it would be naive to think we could put the Bush years behind us. That would be like ignoring the Ice Age. But we can, at least, frame it as it really was instead of the heavily spun version. This seems like a different time for the Democratic Party. Since 1994, the Congress has been Republican or "nearly" Republican. That’s going to change. Likewise, we stand a decent chance of having a Democrat in the White House as well. This is a time when the Democratic Party can realistically plan what comes next. There’s much to do. They have to rebuild the DoJ from the ground up. They will need to lead with a solid domestic and foreign policy that produces results. And they will have to heal the wound their predecessors left in our place among nations. It’s a tall order that needs coordination and planning. Obama has his hands full right now. It falls on Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid to plot the course of the first 100 days if we are going to come out of our nightmare intact. Much to be done.

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