off point…

Posted on Monday 21 September 2009

"Values Voters" Need To Get Their Priorities Straight
Daily Kos

by BarbinMD
September 21, 2009

What are the top three issues among the so-called "values voters" who gathered in Washington D.C. this weekend?
    Abortion ranked first among issues of concern to straw-poll voters, getting 41 percent of the vote, with protection of religious liberty second with 18 percent. Opposition to same-sex marriage was third at 7 percent.
Nice values – their top three priorities are to control other people’s lives while whining about a non-existent threat to their own.

And what are the top concerns for the rest of the country? The economy, health care, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, education and climate change — issues that affect the entire country, people’s lives and our future. One might describe those as actual values.
Very well put. I’ve wondered how our political life got so tied up with abortion and gay marriage [notice they’ve just let stem cell research slide off the radar]. It’s fine for them to feel whatever they want to feel about such things, but they are in the domain of the judiciary, not the legislative or executive branches of our government. What difference does it make if a given Congressman is with them or against them? Obviously, it’s being used to generate bloc votes, not for any meaningful political change. But what about "economy, health care, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, education and climate change"? Do they just not think about such things?

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