
Posted on Sunday 15 November 2009

Health care vs abortion

November 14, 2009

Feminists and reproductive health activists are decrying the amended bill as though it had suddenly outlawed abortions. Now, I know the practical argument that lack of funding will mean lack of access for many women. But this bill does not in fact outlaw abortion any more than it outlaws any other elective procedure that it does not fund…

What we want is health care reform. Changing the status quo regarding abortion must not be allowed to derail this vital legislation… the federal government does not currently pay for abortions except in some indirect ways. So it is not "the biggest setback to women’s reproductive rights in decades," as some critics claim.

Let’s just keep our heads clear about this so we can get health care reform — with coverage for abortions, if possible; but, if not, let’s save the abortion fight for another day. Just remember, if you insist on abortion coverage, and the bill fails, all those who are currently uninsured still won’t be covered for abortion.
As friend Ralph says, "Just remember, if you insist on abortion coverage, and the bill fails, all those who are currently uninsured still won’t be covered for abortion." Speaking of what others said:
OBAMA: "… And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place…"
OBAMA: "This is a health care bill, not an abortion bill."
As Liberals, Progressives, whatever we call ourselves, we cannot expect to create a liberal-utopia in an American Democracy. If we’re honest, that would be something like the socialism they accuse us of wanting. We can, however, pick our legitimate battles carefully and win. The way to do that is to understand the real answer to the riddle: Is the glass half empty or half full? Which is: Neither. The glass is the wrong size.
Listening to these feminist arguments sounding a lot like those of John Boehner or Fox News is disappointing. If Roe v. Wade were under attack, we’d be out there marching on the streets with them. Health Care Reform is for men, for women, for kids, for reproductive health, for all of us. I agree with ShrinkRap, trying to add abortion to the mix is both dangerous and misguided…
    November 15, 2009 | 5:28 PM

    Our progressive friends, in their pro-choice zeal, are falling into Republican-type tactics of setting up a straw man that distracts from the real argument. NARAL is doing automated calls to get people to call their senators, urging them “to oppose the abortion ban.” And professionally made rally signs proclaim: “Keep Abortion Legal.”

    This has nothing to do with banning abortion or making it illegal. This is about who pays for it. That is all.

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