a good boy…

Posted on Friday 4 December 2009

I’m surprised we haven’t heard much about the Madonna-Prostitute Complex in the Tiger Woods story. Maybe it’s because Elin, his wife, is such a babe that it just hasn’t occurred to anyone that Tiger’s story brings it to mind immediately. In classical Psychoanalytic Theory, the Madonna-Prostitute Complex has been related to the Oedipal Complex – the boy’s fantasied love affair with his mother – a split between sexual object and the Virgin Mary figure. In practice, things become more complicated. The stock trade of the prostitute is to present something of the nymphomaniac image – a woman with a strong sexual desire similar to men. So clinically, the men with this behavior are drawn to "being desired" by a nymphette, "sex for sex’s sake," while remaining attached to the more idealized wife/mother. It actually usually raises its head after the couple has had children. The girlfriend has become a mother, and lost her girly appeal. Whatever the causes, whether based in fact or fantasy, it’s a lot more common than one might imagine. Likewise, many times, the other woman is not simply an opportunist, but someone who also derives some psychic benefit from the liason – a forbidden relationship. I have no knowledge of Tiger Woods life or his story. I’m just surprised with all the hype that the Madonna-Prostitute Complex hasn’t been in the reports – given the party girl image of his partner[s]. It sounds to me that being a good boy has been something of a burden to Tiger…
    December 5, 2009 | 4:49 PM

    Not a story I’ve been following and I’m happy to defer to Dr. Mickey’s piercing psychodiagnostic summary. I wish, for the their own and their families’ sake, that the rich and powerful would check with him (for a fee) before they ventured into these behavioral minefields.

    The only thing I really wished to know is why he wasn’t driving a Buick. Another symptom of the deceptions he’s been taking on I suppose.

    December 6, 2009 | 9:25 AM

    From Cairo: Well, we’ve arrived.
    I thought he sold Buicks!

    December 29, 2009 | 7:10 AM

    […] on Tuesday 29 December 2009 Before I left, I was speculating about Tiger Woods’ Madonna Prostitute Complex based on his choice of women. I’ve been mildly obsessed with Iran since I got back, but I […]

    January 5, 2010 | 9:04 AM

    […] Bonds from the back… Like I said: Before I left, I was speculating about Tiger Woods’ Madonna Prostitute Complex based on his choice of loose women. I’ve been mildly obsessed with Iran since I got back, but […]

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