safer. definitely safer…

Posted on Monday 22 February 2010

Dick Cheney’s charges that the country is less safe because of the way Barack Obama has handled national security matters don’t hold water, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday. "To suggest that somehow we have become much less safer because of the actions of the administration, I don’t think that’s borne out by the facts," Powell said on CBS’s "Face the Nation"…
We are safer because Dick Cheney isn’t in a position to foment any more bad military moves, break any more treaties, or rewrite the Constitution in his own image. With Cheney gone, we’re more safe rather than less…
    February 22, 2010 | 10:51 PM

    Amen brother. General Powell is a deliberate guy, a good soldier, a smart person, a great American. Can’t say much of that for Dick Cheney – maybe he is smart in the same way that a master criminal is smart. At the end of the day, he is the flaw in his own ointment.

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