Hans Blix…

Posted on Tuesday 27 July 2010

I would recommend watching the testimony of Dr. Hans Blix all the way through. He’s an eminently sensible person who doesn’t get tangled up in details. I predicted last night that I might wince when he spoke of the American antics in this Iraqi debacle. I didn’t wince, and I thought he was as kind as he could be while making it very clear that we behaved very badly throughout the process. I did feel something I didn’t expect. As he was finishing, I realized that I was crying. The tears are still there as I type this. While I felt relief at finally hearing someone [with no ax to grind] matter of factly state how deceitful and catastrophic our actions have been, I think I was more poignantly aware of how much damage we’ve done to the world. But I think the tears were also grief at the thought that the America I have known all my life will never be seen the same way – not even by me. I’ll defer commenting fully on his testimony until the transcript is out this afternoon. I want to let it settle…

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