six minutes!…

Posted on Thursday 17 March 2011

Seismic wave propagation recorded on dense strong-motion seismograph networks in Japan [K-NET/KiK-net]
Credit: “Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo”
The animation of Seismic wave propagation recorded on K-NET/KiK-net
By: Dr. Furumura Dr.Takemura Dr.Takemoto

An visualized image of the seismic wave propagation of the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, using the data recorded at 1800 stations of dense strong-motion seismograph networks in Japan (K-NET/KiK-net). The intensity of ground motion is indicated visually with darkness of orange and its height. (After creating the image using the data of Seismic wave propagation recorded on High-Sensitivity seismograph network [Hi-net], the data of K-NET/KiK-net was released, so reanalysis was done using this)

The strong ground motion due to the earthquake reached Oshika Peninsula in 35 sec from origin time, and in 40 sec Kesennuma to Sendai, in 50sec from Kamaishi to Iwaki and then propagated throughout the whole region of North-East Japan in 70 sec.

I keep reading things that criticize the Japanese response to the Tsunami, then I look at the pictures and wonder what this fanticized better response would look like. At least their President isn’t vacationing on his ranch and at least their chief isn’t named “Brownie” and has as his credentials judging show horses. I expect they’re doing the best they can.

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