personalized medicine: beyond blockbusters…

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2011

It just doesn’t seem like it was just 30 years ago that dBase came into our lives – WordStar, VisiCalc, and dBase on a PC with a green screen. In spite of their ubiquity now, the term "database" still hasn’t lost all of its magic. It holds out the promise of untold discovery – like when I googled "DBASE I" looking for a picture and found those two images on the first page of links [About 4,630,000 results (0.15 seconds)]. So when BRAINnet announces that they are making the "world’s largest brain database" available for free, it’s worth looking into. And it was. While I have some criticisms to make, including about their motives, I would still prefer their making it available to the alternative.

In a modern world where sophisticated queries, standardized relational design, and lightning fast search engines are the norm, the usefulness of a database is essentially a function of it’s contents. So let’s look at the contents of BRAINnet:


There are 5000 healthy volunteers and 1000 subjects with the diagnoses listed above with a wide range of information. That can’t be a bad thing. But the point of having such a database is to look at correlations between various parameters, and an objection immediately comes to mind. First, notice the names – xxxNeuro. All of the input data is from Brain Resource proprietary instruments. While I expect the information on the bottom row is fairly standard stuff [save some Brain Resource idiosyncratic maneuvers], the top row is anything but standard fare.  I’ve relisted the links:
    Screening Questionnaires [PDF 100kb]:

        BRISC: web-based questionnaire assessment of emotional cognition.
        WebQ: set of 22 web-based demographics questionnaires.

        WebNeuro [PDF 266kb] : web-based assessments of general and emotional cognition.
        IntegNeuro [PDF 254kb]: automated touchscreen neuropsychological tests.

    Brain-Body Functions [PDF 104kb]:

        LabNeuro [PDF 259kb]: lab-based assessment including psychophysiology [EEG, ERPs, autonomic measures and neuropsychological test batteries].

    MRI, fMRI and DTI [PDF 102kb]:

        MRI-Neuro: structural and functional MRI

        Molecular-Neuro: collection via cheek swab or saliva method [and in some cases bloods] of DNA for extraction of SNPs and other variants of interest.
I’ve tried to find out what the first one [Clinical Assessment: Disorder Specific] means to no avail. What I was specifically looking for were the "regulars" like BPRS, HAMD, MADRS, etc. so the information might be checked or compared to other outside data. But that aside, Brain Resource‘s motives are apparent. If you’re going to do a study and use this database as a control or for comparison, you’re locked into their instruments. If you’re going to look for soft markers, you’re limited to their parameters using their instruments. You can’t blame them for trying to make a buck, but it looks to me like they’re positioning themselves to make a lot of bucks, and perhaps become a standard assessment/screening platform – a place I’m not sure they deserve.

But that’s an obvious point. What bothers me more is the idea of the thing and what people are going to do with it. This is a "brute force" science. One of the attendees at the Mayflower Action Group Initiative even said it. In science, we usually develop a hypothesis and gather data to test it. Dr. Pardes correctly said that here, we gather a vast array of data, and that data produces the hypotheses. This approach is guaranteed to locate "markers" – particularly multi-factorial markers. Take their examples:
My read is that the first time through, they found a Gene plus ELS [early life stress] correlating with brain and arousal pathways to syndromal depression and anxiety. Then they went back through and this time found that Gene1 plus Gene 2 plus ELS correlated with emotional brain and arousal correlates of risk for depression. The operative words here are risk for depression. That ups the ante and brings it into the range of a screening tool.

In large data arrays, multiple correlations are inevitable and our usual statistical methods become useless. While there are suggested correction methods, they are arbitrary and essentially untestable themselves. So a database like BRAINnet is likely to produce all sorts of correlations that people would love to say have predictive power [to sell as screening procedures]. That’s one of the big dangers of a huge database, and Brain Resource is right there in the middle of the soup – and it’s personalized medicine soup.

This is from Brain Resource‘s Integrative Platform for New Drug Discovery pdf. So one answer to the highlighted question is do a drug trial, but if the significance isn’t there in the study, go to the database and begin to run the numbers until you find a genotype  in the group that does show a significant response. Voila`! A personalized anti-whatever for that genotype. It’s a two-fer. You have to be screened [$], and you buy the drug [$]. The variations on this theme are as numerous as the ripples in a stream, and the opportunities for the kind of science-lite we’ve seen in these last years is magnified geometrically. I’m in no position to accuse Brain Resource of that kind of sheenanigans [but Brain Resource‘s CEO and BRAINnet‘s CEO are both authors on those two papers up there, and the slide is from their  own pdf].

Speaking of slides, this one is theirs too. Those logos look like the who’s who of the FDA’s Settlement Hall of  Fame  Fines. And the authors on their iSPOT study are from the Alumni Club of Senator Grassley’s Conflict of Interest Investigations [Williams LM, Rush AJ, Koslow SH, Wisniewski SR, Cooper NJ, Nemeroff CB, Schatzberg AF, Gordon E.]. Come to think of it, many of the gang of 44 from the Mayflower Action Group Initiative are equally suspect.

I’m thinking that my evoking the gods of quaternary preventive medicine [personalized medicine: a preventive medicine polemic…] was not that far off the mark, and that the  personalized medicine enthusiasts, the Brain Resources company, and the BRAINnet foundation all bear our closest attention – freebee database or not…

Postscript: as in…
A pilot study
D. Spronk, M. Arns, K.J. Barnett, N.J. Cooper, E. Gordon
Journal of Affective Disorders 128 (2011) 41–48.

The aim of this study was to investigate if biomarkers in EEG, genetic and neuropsychological measures are suitable for the prediction of antidepressant treatment outcome in depression. Twenty-five patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder were assessed twice, pretreatment and at 8-wk follow-up, on a variety of QEEG and neuropsychological tasks. Additionally, cheek swab samples were collected to assess genetic predictors of treatment outcome. The primary outcome measure was the absolute decrease on the HAM-D rating scale. Regression models were built in order to investigate which markers contribute most to the decrease in absolute HAM-D scores. Patients who had a better clinical outcome were characterized by a decrease in the amplitude of the Auditory Oddball N1 at baseline. The ‘Met/Met’ variant of the COMT gene was the best genetic predictor of treatment outcome. Impaired verbal memory performance was the best cognitive predictor. Raised frontal Theta power was the best EEG predictor of change in HAM-D scores. A tentative integrative model showed that a combination of N1 amplitude at Pz and verbal memory performance accounted for the largest part of the explained variance. These markers may serve as new biomarkers suitable for the prediction of antidepressant treatment outcome.
    April 22, 2011 | 3:04 PM

    Well, it already looks like enthusiasm for genomic analysis might be waning:

    Review of 78 papers, 57 genes, 92 SNPs. Only four genes had reproducible results, but even they “may well be false positives,” per the authors.

    Back to the drawing board!

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