apprapos of nothing…

Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2011

In looking into Latuda®, I kept running across this ad [refresh your browser to repeat the change]. I couldn’t quite figure out what it was saying. It’s a before [left] and after [right]:

You get your color back? your smile back? your Mom back? But you’re still fragmented? Wait, your hair part changes sides too?

So I reversed Mr. Before:

Same guy? Jim Edwards didn’t comment on the photoshopping, but he definitely thought the ad was kind of strange [Sunovion’s New Schizophrenia Drug Ad Trashes the Patient]. Like I said, "apprapos of nothing"…
    September 28, 2011 | 7:31 PM

    Looks like great advertising for pro-med NAMI mom in the corner, smiling at her less unkept adult son who for the sake of advertising example is happy and has his act together because of Latuda…. these ad campaigns are insulting, and the drugs are not efficaious enough for that kind of inferring……

    September 28, 2011 | 7:49 PM

    I had to do it – 7% reduction in width on Mr. After…

    Lynette Ocean
    September 28, 2011 | 10:37 PM

    I love the way they admit there will still be “cracks” in his face, Latuda, or no Latuda.

    September 28, 2011 | 10:40 PM

    So I guess brain volume shrinkage is the least of this guys problems with Latuda…there going to be a huge market for this drug among Amazon Pigmy Head Shrinking Cannibal Tribesmen…..

    September 28, 2011 | 11:09 PM

    For some reason the name “Latuda” made me think of “ludes.” Hmm….

    Autistic Lurker
    September 29, 2011 | 12:22 AM

    Doctor, my comment is offtopic but I’ve browsed this site from the most recent comments up to the “an eye for an eye world…” dated 31 may (and I’m keeping going) and I’m not sure where my comment stand but given the mass corruption in the published litterature, what would an ethical psychiatrist researchers (having both an MD and a PhD) do to improve standard of care for its users?

    A.L. (used to be a neuroscientist but now, I just want to brew my own beer…)

    September 29, 2011 | 6:50 AM

    Apropos of nada, this is interesting:

    October 1, 2011 | 4:46 PM

    I loved AZ’s ad which suggests the higher the dose of Seroquel the more likely those diagnosed with schizophrenia are to call mama (mentioned in the link to Jim Edwards post).

    Who comes up with this shit?

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