naked emperors or heros…

Posted on Friday 15 June 2012

Is there any possible benign reason that the APA DSM-5 Task Force failed to release the results of their Field Trials prior to the end of the final period for comments? I can’t think of one off-hand. I expect that they were as disappointed with the results as the rest of us have been [what results we know about]. If I were in their shoes, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Maybe, I would have scrapped the whole enterprise, or resigned and quietly slid into the waves.

Back when they started, it was the heyday of pharmacotherapy and almost the age of clinical neuroscience. The DSM-III Revision was still seen as the conquest of good over evil, the rise of evidence-based medicine. Antidepressants were specific for depression. Antipsychotics were specific for psychosis. The newer the drug, the better. Out-of-control kids were bipolar. The genome was within our grasp and eager to release its secrets. Thanks to Dr. Seiji Ogawa‘s BOLD fMRI, we could now see the brain think and feel. Rather than revise the old DSM-IV, they were going to create the New DSM-5.

And then things turned on them. TMAP was a fraud. The bosses of bosses and his courtiers were crooked. PHARMA’s ghosts haunted the literature. The courts weren’t kind. The NIMH mega-trials didn’t pan out. Naked Emperors wandered the streets. Patients were howling. And they found they’d been tricked by their dreams and colleagues when the new waves of discovery failed to materialize. Their own predecessors even turned on them. It just wasn’t their time, but they either realized it too late, or still don’t know it.

And now they’re saying and doing very silly and reckless things, trying to convince people who know otherwise that things are just fine. Not publishing the results of the Field Trials is one of the silly things. Not admitting to the rotten state they’re in and rethinking the whole show is a reckless one. Putting on the brakes right now would be heroic, but it looks as if this is not the age of heros. It’s an era of naked Emperors…

    June 15, 2012 | 3:19 PM

    Maybe public comments on the field trial results are irrelevant to the DSM-5 process.

    Nick Stuart
    June 15, 2012 | 5:55 PM

    Maybe field trial results are irrelevant to the DSM-5 process.

    June 15, 2012 | 10:08 PM

    Maybe they need to see a shrink.

    June 16, 2012 | 2:58 AM

    With ICD-10-CM on the horizon, maybe DSM-5 is irrelevant.

    June 16, 2012 | 7:00 AM

    There has never been a benign reason behind failing to release data, it is always because the data does not support the APA’s party line.

    For example, the TEOSS trials have been over for five years the number of articles puplished in peer-reviewed journals is staggering; yet the NIMH still has no final report, and the raw data is nowhere to be found…You can bet there is more than one body buried—I would like to know how some of the other kids that were used fared. Quack Master Jack used my boy like a fucking guinea pig and repeatedly told me I had no say, he didn’t need my consent; he only needed his own.

    Maybe the psychopharmachology faithful in the APA have let loose a contagion that has spawned an epidemic of Pharmacosis. Psychiatrists with Pharmacosis have little to no insight, and are lacking access to a quantifiable reality recognized by anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills.

    June 16, 2012 | 8:18 AM

    Wonder what to make of Sandusky’s “DSM Defense”?

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