
Archive for January, 2013

click it and sign it…

AllTrials campaign raises the game on clinical-trial transparency PharmaTimes by Peter Mansell January 10, 2013 The push from the UK for wholesale transparency of clinical-trial data has taken on a new dimension with the launch of the AllTrials public campaign. An accompanying petition – already close to 3,000 over 7,000 signatures at the time of […]

it’s not our drugs…

Emergence of Intense Suicidal Preoccupation During Fluoxetine Treatment by Martin H. Teicher, M.D., Ph.D., Carol Glod, R.N., M.S.C.S., and Jonathan O. Cole, M.D. American Journal of Psychiatry. 1990 147:207-210. [full text on-line] Six depressed patients free of recent serious suicidal ideation developed intense, violent suicidal preoccupation after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine treatment. This state persisted […]

ask Alice…

The Eli Lilly documents I mentioned in the last post [foul…] have quite a history indeed. Little wonder I said, "I got really lost following the timeline and their exact path from sealed documents into the public domain, and promise to try to get that in order soon." Dr. Peter Breggin had the first shot […]


Pharmagossip has a post up that links to a post by Peter Breggin about some discovery documents from Eli Lilly in a time when the world was young. This from Dr. Breggin: The sealed Prozac data from Eli Lilly also came from my investigations of the company as a medical expert in product liability suits. […]

modern times revisited…

I don’t know much about Depakote. I see a lot of patients who announce, "I’m Bipolar" or "I’ve been told I’m Bipolar" but the overwhelming majority have neither the clinical narrative nor the family history to support that diagnosis. I do my best not to bludgeon them with my skepticism, but taper them off of […]

modern times…

Charlie Chaplin’s last Little Tramp movie was also his first polemic – about the depersonalization of the assembly line worker – becoming just a cog in an industrial machine. It’s our favorite of his movies now, but in 1936 it got him labeled by many as a commie sympathizer. It’s ironic to look back on, […]

not that hard…

I don’t know much more than I knew last night about the Isacsson story. But I thought I’d look back at some of his previous publications [hampered as I am in Swedish – barely able to read the English subtitles when I watched the Millennium Trilogy or the wonderful Wallander Series on NetFlix]. Unfortunately, I […]

at its worst…

From the earliest Prozac days [1987] to the present, some version of the argument about whether the SSRI antidepressants can cause a syndrome associated with suicidality in some patients has always been on the table – even here in the Appalachians where the local teens talk about it in the suicide of one of their […]

my pick…

["The Beasts of the Southern Wild" – the new "Les Misérables"]

a higher power…

Yesterday Pharmalot mentioned the infamous Paxil Study 329 and the JAACAP’s refusal to retract the article even after its starring role in a $3 B criminal and civil suit in which the sponsor [GSK] plead guilty to the charges: Journal Refuses To Retract Controversial Paxil Study Pharmalot By Ed Silverman January 9th, 2013 Last summer, […]