
Archive for April, 2014

stuck in the middle…

What should be done? Returning to the asylum system — which could be regarded as turning away from the goal of recovery — is not the answer. A Misfortune Not a Crime, Tom Insel [see lamentations · long passed…] As a late adolescent, there was something in the world I lived in that was wrong […]

lamentations · long passed…

A Misfortune Not a Crime Director’s Blog: NIMH By Thomas Insel April 11, 2014 … check out a new report  from the Treatment Advocacy Center on the treatment of people with serious mental illness. According to this report, there are now 10 times more people with serious mental illness in state prisons [207,000] and county […]

other comments…

… My last thoughts after reading more of Dr. Lieberman’s quotes are, I’m convinced that integrated care is already a done deal; it is just a matter of time before it rolls out across the country. However, I am undecided if the APA leadership is reading the hand-writing on the wall and reacting to it […]

in the comments…

Comments from three psychiatrists to the last post: three wishes… – all focused on the APA push for Collaborative Care [AKA Integrative Care]. I don’t think the APA’s initiative on collaborative care has anything to do with getting other doctors to see psychiatrists as real doctors. Psychiatrists who practice like real doctors are seen as […]

three wishes…

It’s been over a hundred years since Freud suggested that our wishes can color the workings of what he called the mental apparatus. Think what you will about the old guy, but he was onto something with that wish thing. Here are three personal examples: In my last post [reason enough…], I interpreted the theme […]

reason enough…

In the comments to [what really matters…], Dr. Carroll mentioned a post on the Danny Carlat Blog back in August 2010 about the Dan Markingson case, actually two posts ["Making a Killing": New Carl Elliott Article in Mother Jones, Was the CAFE study manipulated by AstraZeneca? Maybe Not.]. Both of these posts, and particularly the […]

what really matters…

Psychiatry head to receive major award University of Minnesota Medical School News by Sarah Hansen 04/15/2013 S. Charles Schulz, M.D., head of the Department of Psychiatry, will receive the esteemed Stanley Dean Award for Research in Schizophrenia in 2014. For more than 50 years, The American College of Psychiatrists [ACP] has issued this award to […]

their oyster to harvest…

I threw this slide in as an afterthought to your nose is growing longer…, but it has stayed with me since then. It’s from PhARMA-2014, their annual meeting going on this week, in the Chart Pack. The various charts follow three themes: the hard road of PhARMA; what good people PhARMA people are; and some […]

of anecdotal magic and noses…

I’m not much of a "twit", "twitterer", "social media" person. I like the idea, but it has never captured whatever part of the mind/brain dichotomy that controls such things. But the twitter icon is up there, and I hit it at times. I "follow" MedicalSkeptic who really covers the universe and is often a source […]

your nose is growing longer…

PhRMA: Sunshine Not Driving Docs Indoors MedPage Today By David Pittman Apr 10, 2014 Doctors haven’t disengaged from drug companies in the months since the tracking of financial relationships between them started, several pharmaceutical executives here said. The Physician Payments Sunshine Act required drug companies to track gifts and other payments to physicians starting August 1, […]