
Archive for May, 2015

doesn’t compute…


The article synopsized below comes from the Family Practice News, taken from a psychopharmacology update held by the Nevada Psychiatric Association. The speaker is Karen Dineen Wagner who is the Vice Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Texas […]

for us all to hear…


Former Governor Arne Caulson to the University of Minnesota Board of Regents [04/07/2015]

zero tolerance…


In the process of being involved in an in depth reanalysis of a Clinical Trial with full access to the raw data is that far and away, the most important deterrent to bias is strict adherence to the a priori Protocol as approved by the Institutional Review Board before commencing the study. A properly constructed […]

the rise and ??? of the guild…


There’s something kind of unique about the last paradigm shift in American Psychiatry [see roots… and agendae…]. It didn’t happen just because of changes in the ways people thought or some scientific advances. It was orchestrated by the American Psychiatric Association and effected by a change in the Diagnostic System [which nail?…, a card laid…]. […]

the guilded age…


In guilding the lily… and in a guilded cage…  I discussed a sequence of articles that constitute a loose back and forth between Robert Whitaker and his followers with various psychiatrists. The debate is superficially about how the "Chemical Imbalance" metaphor came into being. I want to react further to the very first article in […]

in a guilded cage…


There is much to say about the semi-debate documented in guilding the lily… [in fact, this is my third attempt at writing what comes next]. I think I’d like to frame the essence of the issue being debated. That’s most easily done in this quote from the first article: Psychiatry Now Admits It’s Been Wrong […]

guilding the lily…


It really is impossible to start this story at the beginning. And who knows where the middle is before the end is in sight? So all that is clear is the lead-in and general directions. The loose debate in the articles below picks up with an interview in Truthout of Robert Whitaker by one of […]

can’t argue…


Two of the videos in the last  post came from Evidence–Live, a partnership between The BMJ and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and their conference two weeks ago. The timing couldn’t have been better, coinciding as it did with the WHO‘s announcement of their new […]



hat tip to pharmagossip…