seasonal dementia update…

Posted on Friday 8 April 2016

Note: Don’t be fooled by the low counts. Comes now the grass pollen, the true dementer.

    April 8, 2016 | 2:02 PM

    You have posted a few of these charts… I am curious, are you having a bit of fun, or is this am actual cause of cognitive impairment?

    I have had some terrible episodes of brain fog. Some of it may be the connective tissue disorder, but I also have a nightmare disorder that seems to correlate with both sinusitis and transient cognitive impairment and exhaustion.

    Is this the kind of thing you are talking about?;jsessionid=0106DF2D77BC9BD0322B54B0EC9DF5D9.f01t04

    I haven’t looked at the article yet, EBSCO may or may not get me past the paywall. Funny you posted this today, it has been overcast and rainy here in Hollywood, and the exhaustion and brain fog has been pretty bad.

    April 8, 2016 | 4:52 PM

    Having fun, yes. But every year I learn anew that the pollen, particularly the grass pollen that comes about two weeks into things, makes me dumb as a post. What we septuagenarians call “senior moments” become the rule rather than the exception and I sort of wander from thing to thing aimlessly. And then a couple of weeks later, I wake up and I’m not brain dead after all.

    I graph it in part for fun, and in part as a mirror…

    April 9, 2016 | 4:25 PM

    Don’t laugh … no less an authority than Robert Gibbons assures us that allergic rhinitis and asthma are both “associated with suicide”!

    Dr. Gibbons has a mission however: clearing the name of montelukast (Singulair) and related asthma medications, whose association with suicide is way too close for comfort.

    (I looked up the topic once … as I recall, found a few studies of people already diagnosed “bipolar” and prone to irritability, who were more irritable when their hay fever was acting up. No big surprise.)

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