To be honest, I don’t know much about the World Bank – what it does, why it is. All I know is that Paul Wolfowitz, in spite of a long history of prestigeous jobs in policy making positions, is a very flawed guy. If he’s done anything in his career that’s been notable as a positive, I don’t know it. He hacked out a Defense Guidance for George Bush I that sounds like something a Roman Caesar might go for. He continued to push it in the Clinton years, being the author of the infamous letter from the Project for a New American Century to President Clinton in 1998. He set up Douglas Feith’s shop in the Defense Department to develope fictitious Intelligence to justify invading Iraq. He’s obviously got the ethical fortitude of a used car salesman.
Wolfowitz is the worst kind of government official. He speaks with expertise, but has none. He thought it was imperative to unseat Saddam Hussein. He was wrong about that. He thought it was okay to support his crazy protige`, Feith. That was a mistake. He testified that we didn’t need any more troops to occupy Iraq than it would take to defeat Hussein – a collassally wrong decision. He cut a sleazy deal for his girlfriend at the World Bank. That hasn’t gone as well as he planned.
He makes bad decisions, gives bad opinions, is ethically challenged, is not easy to get along with, and has very big ears. He’s taken up way too much space in our papers. It is absolutely fine for him to fade into private life somewhere, with or without his girlfriend. Like so many BushCo appointees, the only real thing to say is that he shouldn’t have been appointed in the first place.
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