Frat boy, Fratto…

Posted on Saturday 9 June 2007

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has led the investigation into the firing of several U.S. attorneys, announced Friday that a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be taken in the Senate Monday.

“If all senators who have actually lost confidence in Attorney General Gonzales voted their conscience, this vote would be unanimous,” the senator said.

However, Schumer added that he expects the president to pressure members of his party to vote against the measure.

“We will soon see where people’s loyalties lie,” he said.

Schumer has fiercely criticized Gonzales’s role in the firings and his conduct during the investigation and has repeatedly called for the resignation of the attorney general.
This vote has been delayed for a few weeks. I’m not sure why. It seemed like the fire was more in the belly shortly after Gonzales’ pitiful performance in the hearings. My guess would be that the delay was to get the votes in place to pass it. In this climate, partisan politics is the only kind of politics we have.

But this is the part that gets me:
Following publication of this story, White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto sent a sharply worded response to The Hill.

“If Senator Schumer had a conscience he would end his political vaudeville act and let the Senate get back to work on important legislation,” said Fratto. “These games are a discredit to the Senate.”
Tony Fratto is a lobbyist turned Presidential mouthpiece. He’s not earned the right to say the kinds of things he says. If George W. Bush wants to be flip, let him come out and be flip himself.

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