just for starters…

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2007

These are the ‘withheld’ emails that involved Sara Taylor as we knew about them before yesterday’s email dump:

Here are three of those emails as they were ‘dumped’ yesterday:

  • First – the ‘Description’ in the table of withheld emails hardly fits the email itself.
  • Second – notice the email address, st@gwb43.com.
  • Third – Sampson is less than subtle in hinting that they should talk about this off the radar – "I’m out of the office but will call you" "I look forward to visiting with you about this."
  • Fourth – Sara Taylor is incredulous: "Why would McNulty say this?"  "… poorly handled on the part of the DoJ." She’s upset that the truth is being told – that it’s not being "handled" better.
  • Fifth – She uses the Royal "We," implicating the White House in the firings.
  • Sixth – What does "Bud is lazy" mean? We haven’t heard that before…
  • Seventh – Can anyone think of any reason these emails were withheld other than the DoJ and WH didn’t want us to read them?
    June 13, 2007 | 11:14 AM

    Apparently the subpeona is going out today to both Sara Taylor and Harriett Meiers. They’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do.

    June 13, 2007 | 1:09 PM


    I just read that! Hurrah!

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