Last night, I was lamenting the absence of great orators to a friend in an email, saying, "I guess the great orators got it all said and skipped reincarnation, because there aren’t any currently haunting those hallowed halls [the Senate]…
… and we’ll await the emergence of a Henry Clay or a Daniel Webster."
So I was wrong. Today, they’re coming out of the woodwork – Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Raymond Lowery, Russ Feingold, even blogger John Amato [see below]. Some days, it pays to shut up and let the poets speak:
Not so with John Murtha. He is succinct and to the point in his convictions and conclusions, something that cannot be measured by polls or diminished by empty rhetoric. It can’t be tarnished by any right-wing ideologue hell bent on protecting this administration while abdicating responsibility for the real problems this country faces. His message can’t be altered because purity of spirit is untouchable.
John Murtha is the real deal.
John Amato
But the blockbuster speech came from Senator Russ Feingold on the Senate floor. It’s long, but eloquent, and filled with the raw truth. I’ve included it as a separate page, because I want to read and reread it.
On the other hand, Pat Robertson seems to be digging hard for a new low in the annals of oratory and scholarship. Check out his recent dabblings with existential philosophy.
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