
Posted on Thursday 6 September 2007

Judith Miller Finally Lands in the ‘Right’ Place

Judith MillerJudith Miller, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent that pushed all the Bush administration spin about the (so-far non-existent) existence of WMD in Iraq, has finally come home. She’s taken a job with the friends of "greater economic choice and individual responsibility" at the Manhattan Institute. She’s written for their City Journal quarterly before, so look for more stories from her on the cop beat. “The Manhattan Institute is doing pioneering work in policing and counter-terrorism,” Miller said in a release today. “As an adjunct fellow, I hope to continue writing about how best to enhance national security and public safety without sacrificing our freedom and civil liberties.” Or sacrificing her journo ethics — Neo-Con propaganda goes down much better when it’s properly labeled.

Well, she’s landed in the right wing place. I’m not sure she’s in the right place though. She was in the right place for a while [85 days], but they let her out.

The Manhattan Institute? Oh, guess what? It’s a right wing think-tank of sorts…

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