
Posted on Friday 21 March 2008

  • America is a Christian Nation? There’s a lot that’s right about that. Watching John Adams, one can’t miss the "our maker" or the "endowed by their creator" or the flags with "heaven." The dominant morality is, indeed, adapted from the christian gospels:"judge not that ye be not judged," "turn the other cheek," do unto others," "let him who is without sin cast the first stone," "love thy neighbor," etc. But it’s equally apparent that America is not a "Church Nation," a Theocracy. One of our freedoms is choice of religion, including none. During the last eight years, we have been raped by people professing the latter: Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Ted Haggard, James Dobson, Louis Sheldon, the Catholic Church, James Wright, etc. So while being formed in the context of a christian morality, a positive force then and now, this is not a place where religion dictates anything to any of us. The teachings of Jesus say "Clean up your own side of the street. Lead by example. Love others as yourself." Good advice. That’s all we need from religion. It’s something even those of us who are not interested in the supernatural premises of christianity can rally behind…
  • All men are created Equal [including black Men, wo-Men, Mexican Men, Arab Men, Gay Men]? That’s what they said, even if they didn’t do it [Women and Slavery]. It’s an ideal, and a good one. For the last 8 years, equality has taken a big hit. We’ve actually operated on a different axis. Said Bush at a black tie fundraiser, "Some people call you elite. I call you, my base." That doctrine is hidden in the Conservative "hands off" philosophy ["hands off" until it comes to big investment banks, or telecoms, or oil/energy companies]. All men are created equal is part of that christian influence that we need to keep. As the poet once said, "red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world"…
  • The Bush Doctrine? It says that we should be an offensive nation: preemptive wars, unilateral action, strength without equal, and evangelical Democracy. Thought up by Paul Wolfowitz based on what’s right for the Israelis, quashed by Bush Senior, revived by the Project for the New American Century and the American Enterprise Institute, and put into action by George W. Bush under the guise of a War on Terror. It’s more suited to Nero and Caesar than America. Not only was it a bad idea, it proved its uselessness when put into action.  We could use a Constitutional Amendment that said, "here are four things in the old Bush Doctrine." Pick only one. Strength beyond challenge sounds good to me. It’s worked well in the past…
  • The War on Iraq? Another philosopher and poet [my Father] often said to me, "I don’t mind you peeing in my boot, but don’t tell me it’s water." Enough with the war on Iraq already. Enough…
  • Obama for President? Governor Richardson just said that Obama is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I agree with that as a likely possibility. I’m willing to bet on it. I hope that’s the way the majority of people feel. What do we have to lose? We’ve already lost most of the intangibles we had. We didn’t just lose them. We gave them away…
  • Dirty Tricks? Run them down, even if they’re not illegal. It’s no way to run a political contest. They’ve happened in each election for 30+ years. Enough with them too…
    March 21, 2008 | 1:42 PM

    I like Obama as an interesting person and completely agree with him about race… but there are so many other moral issues where he’s just off. Can’t reconcile that right now.

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