
Posted on Thursday 27 March 2008

U.S. Armor Forces Join Offensive In Baghdad Against Sadr Militia
Americans Appear To Take the Lead As Iraqi Units Wait

U.S. forces in armored vehicles battled Mahdi Army fighters Thursday in Sadr City, the vast Shiite stronghold in eastern Baghdad, as an offensive to quell party-backed militias entered its third day. Iraqi army and police units appeared to be largely holding to the outskirts of the area as American troops took the lead in the fighting.

Four U.S. Stryker armored vehicles were seen in Sadr City by a Washington Post correspondent, one of them engaging Mahdi Army militiamen with heavy fire. The din of American weapons, along with the Mahdi Army’s AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades, was heard through much of the day. U.S. helicopters and drones buzzed overhead.

The clashes suggested that American forces were being drawn more deeply into a broad offensive that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, launched in the southern city of Basra on Tuesday, saying death squads, criminal gangs and rogue militias were the targets. The Mahdi Army of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, a Shiite rival of Maliki, appeared to have taken the brunt of the attacks; fighting spread to many southern cities and parts of Baghdad.

As President Bush told an Ohio audience that Iraq was returning to "normalcy," administration officials in Washington held meetings to assess what appeared to be a rapidly deteriorating security situation in many parts of the country…
It’s pretty hard for me to tell what’s going on in Iraq. The only thing for sure is that it’s bad news for Bush’s line about the "Surge." If I read this right, it’s a war between the Shiites, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, now spreading over southern Iraq. The significance of this report from the Washington Post is that apparently we are in the thick it. Yesterday, Dana Perino was telling us that this was an Iraqi Army operation, bragging on their new-found ability to fight. Well, that’s not what this article says. I expect that what Dana was saying was "spin," but it also seems that no one actually knows much about what’s happening, except for making analogies to the TET Offensive in Viet Nam. Maybe the end of our Iraq War is already out of our hands…
    March 28, 2008 | 7:54 AM

    al-Sadr wants us out of Iraq. I think he realizes that if he continues his cease fire it will help Bush/McCain and he doesn’t want to help the people who are willing to be in Iraq for a hundred years. I think he likes the idea of almost immediate withdrawal in Jan. ’09. He and most Iraqis according to polls in Iraq want us out yesterday. I only wish we could have given them their country whole and not in pieces.

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