
Posted on Wednesday 7 June 2006

Looking at the yearlyKos  program is a treat – all the luminaries with plenty of great workshops. But I didn’t see what I wanted to see – workshops devoted to the question, "How do we get ‘our’ voters to vote?" The dismal turnout in this week’s elections is a dark harbinger for the midterms. You can bet your left [whatever left thing you bet] that James Dobson and Karl Rove are going to be thinking of nothing else for the next five months!

All the political zeal or rightness in the world is worth nothing if it doesn’t bring out the voters. Lets hope that those late night meetings in Vegas turn into a think tank for a creative strategy to mobilize sane Americans to get to the poles in November! This time, it’s not about winning them over. It’s about helping them see that it’s theirs to lose…

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