
Posted on Tuesday 7 October 2008

I say that I don’t watch these debates directly because I’ve got P.T.S.D. from 2000 and 2004. But that’s not all of it. Watching John McCain’s smirks, or his referring to Obama as "that one," or his refusing to shake hands – the whole contempt thing – just makes my blood boil. Smoochie says, "He was rude. I don’t like it when people are rude, because it’s NEVER appropriate" and that may well be the absolutely best way to say it. It’s as if he’s laughing at Obama. or Scornful. or Contemptuous. or Disdainful. No matter what your Party or your ideology, Barack Obama is not someone to laugh at, or mock. He’s a principled, gentleman who deserves respect whether you agree with him or not. He’s earned it. He’s certainly not an object of scorn. The last time I remember being around that kind of demeaning rudeness was in the Air Force near the end of the Viet Nam War – listening to fighter pilots talk about anti-war protestors…
    October 8, 2008 | 8:43 AM

    Yeah he just came across as petty, there. If he went back into the service he could be CHIEF PETTY OFFICER for life. Smoochie’s comment reminds me of the Talking Heads song, Psycho Killer… We are vain and we are blind/I hate people when they’re not polite…

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