
Posted on Monday 2 January 2006

Bush Defends Spying Program As ‘Necessary’ to Protect U.S.
But President Acknowledges Civil Liberties Concerns

"President Bush today mounted his third defense in two weeks of his secret domestic spying program, calling his order authorizing warrantless eavesdropping on U.S. citizens a limited, legal program that Americans understand is protecting their security."

I don’t understand, therefore I must not be an American. The issue of warrants dates to the earliest deliberations of our founders and is an intimate thread in the fabric of the American Tapestry. The fourth amendment freedoms are clearly built into every level of our government. We even have a word that is in everyday use that points to our insistence on judicial review to define justifiable invasions of privacy.

   Having no justification; groundless: unwarranted interference.
   See Synonyms at baseless.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

So long Mr. Bush. We need an adult person for President of our country. You’re not one. And take your sick friends and religious bigots with you. There’s nothing much more to say about this. You had your shot, and you blew it in spades…

    January 2, 2006 | 1:05 PM

    You’re just not one of them new breed of *Un-Constitutional Americans. *

    Those who failed Citizenship and The Constitution 101 (and they KNOW who they are) in defending this POTUS and his illegal actions.

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