back to basics…

Posted on Wednesday 7 June 2006

The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed by Craig Unger in Vanity Fair is as good a summary of the Nigergate Forgeries as has appeared to date. Like the reports in La Repubblica, or the detailed analysis by the left coaster, the conclusion is the same. In spite of a torrent of indicators and warnings that these documents were crude forgeries, that there was nothing to the claims that Iraq was getting Uranium from Niger, the Bush Administration found increasingly creative methods to use these forged documents to justify their longed for "regime change" in Iraq. There was no Intelligence that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. It is not even remotely possible that the Bush Administration didn’t know that it was deceiving the electorate. And like everyone else, Unger seems to know that Michael Ledeen was involved, but can’t prove it. Covering well worn territory, Unger implies that the Administration never took their "War on Terror" seriously, but instead pursued their pre-existing plan hatched at A.E.I. and P.N.A.C. to unseat Saddam Hussein to assert their new foreign policy of American Dominion over the Universe.

While it’s good to see Vanity Fair publishing it, Vanity Fair isn’t being read much in the middle american beauty parlors or barber shops. I’d kind of like to see it published in Field and Stream, the Ladies Home Journal, and People Magazine – maybe even Golf Digest. This is the biggest political hoax since Hitler marched into Poland, and no one seems to want to hear about it. I guess it’s just too dissonant to accept that these popular patriotic types are a pair of liars who are out to change the face of America, and the face of the world, forever. That was my initial reaction. I thought what I was reading were the conspiracy theories of a few paranoid people. It took a while to realize it was the truth about the conspiracy theories of a few paranoid people – Bush and Cheney among them.

So if you haven’t yet realized that the whole Iraq War was trumped up from the very start, read this article.

[Thanks to Dawn for the heads up]. 

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