"In any place or any time on any issue, what does liberalism ever seek? More — more government, more taxation, more control over people’s lives and decisions and wallets."
I read these lines from Tom Delay’s goodbye speech in the House of Representatives today, and took the bait. I exhumed my graphs showing the increased spending under Bush [over Clinton], showing how the tax-cuts simply drove up the National Debt, showing how this same strategy was used by Reagan. But then the electric power went off, and my hard work went up in cybersmoke. I guess it’s just as well. What few people who might read this already know about it. It’s like responding to Ann Coulter, tempting, but ultimately wasted words.
Tom Delay will be remembered as a flim-flam man, a political Elmer Gantry, who helped to create a climate of unparalleled corruption in the Congress. That it was his goodbye speech is all that really matters…
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