who knew?

Posted on Saturday 22 November 2008

‘Giving Thanks’

It was Thanksgiving, and for the first time our whole family was together.
So begins a story on the kids page of the L.A. Times. It goes through the usual story of the Pilgrims and the Indians. Then it goes further:
…Later, Governor William Bradford made a decision. Instead of the colonists sharing their crops equally, he assigned a parcel of land to each family and told them they could keep whatever they produced for themselves."

"Then what happened?" asked Sam.

"At last the Pilgrims began to prosper. Governor William Bradford wrote in his book ‘Of Plimoth Plantation,’ ‘This had very good success, for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.’ "

"Shoot! If you can keep everything you make, of course you’re going to work harder. Everybody knows that."

Grandpa answered, "The first seed had been planted for the American Revolution. People were free to practice their religions as they saw fit and were free to keep the fruits of their labor. This had never happened before in the history of mankind. In the words of William Bradford, ‘As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation.’ "

"That William Bradford sounds like a pretty cool guy," said Sam.

"He was a pretty cool guy," Grandpa said with a chuckle.
So it seems that Thanksgiving is about the Pilgrim’s discovering Capitalism. I didn’t know that part, but it’s a cute twist. The author of the story called Rush Limbaugh’s radio show to tell him about the story she’d written, a story that he apparently inspired.  His response to her is classic Limbaugh:
CALLER: Well, the lesson that day was about a word and the meaning of the word "incentive," and he used that to illustrate what incentive could do.  So, anyway, I work at the Los Angeles Times and edit a page called The Kids’ Reading Room page and it’s on the website right now…  I also want to thank you for this. I started doing research on the Bradford book, and the Pilgrims were fantastic!  I mean, they were very young; they were courageous; they were ingenious.

RUSH: And they were fleeing Obama-type tyranny from the mother country.

CALLER: That’s exactly right.  It was like the first time in the history of mankind that anything so extraordinary had happened; and it was contagious because the Massachusetts Bay Colony copied that model that they had initiated…
    November 22, 2008 | 10:36 AM

    I think I just threw up a little. Who ARE these people?

    November 22, 2008 | 10:51 AM

    Good question. I was really taken with Obama-type tyranny, He hasn’t even taken office yet! Shouldn’t it be Obama-type tyranny elect?

    November 22, 2008 | 10:56 PM

    Oh, it’s perfectly clear. See, Obama wants to redistribute the wealth, take rich folks tax money and give it to poor, worthless people — in the mother country they were called kings. Now, wait, somehow that doesn’t come out right. He wants to take it from the rich, but in England they took it from the poor and gave it to the king.

    By George III and George the Bush, I believe Rush has got it backwards!!!

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