Senator John Ensign is a Religious Right Conservative who supports a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as a monogomous heterosexual union. He’s a member of Promise Keepers®, a religious men’s fellowship devoted to marital fidelity. It’s reminescent of Ted Haggard, president of the country’s evangelical christians having periodic drug enhanced sex with a male prostitute. Or maybe even like Governor Elliot Spitzer, former Attorney General of New York who was on a campaign to stomp out prostitution rings, yet was one of their regular Johns. Or, of course, Larry Craig – a bathroom sex guy masquarading as a Conservative Senator. And then there’s President Clinton’s famous liason with Monica Lowensky.
Is all of this really out of the ordinary, or an artifact of their public positions. Statistics are shaky in this area because it involves reporting, but most people give 60% of married men and 40% of married women have some kind of affair along the way. With those kind of figures, what we see in public life seems to be pretty much par for the course. But what it says about the current ravings about marriage is pretty clear – it’s mostly a way to garner votes. And who is it that really cares about homosexuals marrying? I doubt anyone stays up at night thinking about that very much. It seems to me that it’s about something else – something about wanting to live in an idealized homogeneous society – like on Father Knows Best or The Donna Reed Show in the 1950’s – shows that wouldn’t even last a whole season now.
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