cheney and bolton were wrong as rain…

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2009

Tehran: June 18, 2009

I don’t know what it all means. I’m not even sure they know. But I know that it feels like a very good thing for the future of the world. A year ago, our government was trying to find any excuse possible to bomb Iran. But they’d already used up all of their currency invading Iraq, and just couldn’t find a viable excuse to start yet another war. The only way to deal with Iran was by a show of force – [former] Vice President Cheney and [former][faux] U.N. Ambassador John Bolton told us. Now we’re watching the Iranians march in the streets. We don’t know enough about them to even know why they’re marching, and yet I find myself tearing up a bit when I see the pictures.

It reminds me of a time, a long time ago [late 80’s]. It was before we know about the "Internet." I was on Compuserve, a dial-up bulletin board that was text only on my slower than turtles modem showing on my green-screen DOS Computer. At the time, I was writing a program in DBASE and I used a compiler called "Clipper." I signed onto Clipper’s bulletin Board to get some help, and there were a bunch of messages from a Clipper guy in Moscow. As I sat there, he was in a store front typing fast and There were Tanks in the street. Communism was falling, and I stayed up all night reading his posts about the Tanks, and the opposition leaders standing in front of them. It was amazing! History live…

Now, coming out of secretive Iran, we have twitters and cell phone pictures. They’re trying to block stuff and it just keeps coming. I don’t know what’s happening there, and I don’t know where it’s headed, but I know that those hoardes of people want us to see them standing up and fighting for what they believe in. And I know that it’s going to be a good thing in the long run. And I know Cheney and Bolton were wrong as rain…

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