oh look! another one!…

Posted on Thursday 16 July 2009

The President Moves the Economic Goalposts
The stimulus isn’t working as originally advertised
Wall Street Journal


… As is Mr. Obama’s habit, he has answered his critics by creating straw-man arguments. In last weekend’s radio address, he attacked detractors as those who "felt that doing nothing was somehow an answer." But many of Mr. Obama’s critics didn’t feel that way. They offered — and Mr. Obama almost completely ignored — constructive ideas to jump-start the economy.

For example, House Republicans offered an alternative recovery package of immediate tax cuts and safety-net measures that cost half as much as Mr. Obama’s stimulus program. Republicans have also calculated that their plans would have created 50% more jobs than the stimulus. They reached that estimate by using the same job-growth econometric model that the president’s Council of Economic Advisors used for the stimulus.

While in Moscow recently, Mr. Obama answered questions on whether his administration had misread the economy by saying "there’s nothing that we would have done differently." Let me suggest two things: He could have proposed pro-growth policies rather than ones that retard economic recovery with a massive increase in deficit spending. And he could fulfill his promise to speak to us honestly rather than selling his proposals with promises and goals he rapidly discards.

In his 1946 essay "Politics and the English Language," George Orwell wrote about words used in a "consciously dishonest way." "That is," Orwell wrote, "the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different." Americans are right to wonder if their president is using his own private definitions for the words he uses to sell his policies.
The Wall Street Journal has outdone themselves today – John Yoo and Karl Rove. After advice from an Assistant DoJ Attorney on why we set the illegal NSA Surveillance policy the way we did, we get to hear how Karl Rove [college drop-out, draft dodger, and political dirty tricks operative] feels about Obama’s handling of the econimy [after he and his bosses demolished it]. His  suggestion? cut taxes. Imagine that, start two wars and how do you pay for them? cut taxes. Sounds familiar to me.

I’m worried as hell about the economy, as worried as any. But I know what is not the solution – cutting taxes. It’s a vote getter for sure, but there’s this problem:


And for Karl Rove to quote Orwell on the subject of speaking honestly, "George Orwell wrote about words used in a ‘consciously dishonest way’." – Priceless!

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