Posted on Tuesday 3 November 2009

I guess I can’t refuse the bait every time:
Dede Scozzafava Screws RINOs
Rush Limbaugh

RUSH: How about Dede Scozzafava?  You know what?  Dede Scozzafava has just screwed every RINO in the country by showing everybody who they are.  It’s what I say about radio, people say, "Rush, does it matter AM, FM?"  No, no.  Content, content, content, content.  Content determines what people will listen to, and in politics, principle, principle, principle.  Moderates by definition have no principles.  They’re wishy washy. A typical moderate is Lindsey Grahamnesty.  A typical moderate.  They’re all over the place.  They go with the flow.  They think of themselves first.  They are not guided by principle at all, and Dede Scozzafava has just delivered a teachable moment for those who lack a keen sense of the obvious.  RINOs cannot be trusted.  Republicans-in-name-only cannot be trusted.  They aren’t principled.  You vote ’em into office and you’re going to get cap and tax, you’re going to get some version of Obamacare, you’re going to get tax increases, you’re going to get TARP bailouts, you’re gonna get amnesty.
I’ll admit that Limbaugh-speak is tough for me. I get that there’s a double entendre in Scozzafava Screws RINOs [puts moderate Republicans in a bad light by endorsing a Democrat and has sex with endangered African beasts]. And I figured out RINO [Republican-In-Name-Only] from the context [the next sentence]. But the bait I’m taking is "you’re going to get TARP bailouts" if you vote for a RINO? Were Bush and Cheney RINOs? TARP was their trillion dollar idea. Back when they were still around, I don’t recall Rush complaining. And "Lindsey Grahamnesty?"

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