the least I can do…

Posted on Thursday 20 May 2010

Glenn Beck is under fire for his connection to a precious metals seller that is ripping off American people, according to critics. In a report released Wednesday, Rep. Anthony Weiner [D-NY] called for an investigation into Goldline’s alliance with conservative personalities. Weiner claims that Goldline sells gold coins for 90 percent over melt value and some radio and television hosts are aiding in the scam. Highlighted in Weiner’s report are names such as Glenn Beck, Fred Thompson, Dennis Miller, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, Michael Smerconish, Monica Crowley and Mike Huckabee. All are on the Goldline’s payroll.

    Weiner complained that Goldline had formed "an unholy alliance" with conservative commentators who suggest gold as "the only safe investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods." He said Goldline sponsors talk shows during which the hosts praise investment in gold. "When the show then cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from Goldline," Weiner’s report said.
Beck recommends Goldline but advises viewers to pray for guidance on which company to trust. "Here’s the deal. Call Goldline, study it out, pray on it. If it’s right thing for you, then do it. But please study it out. Find the people that you trust. The people I trust are the people at Goldline," Beck said in one advertisment. Beck likened Weiner’s report to McCarthy-style tactics. "This is, again, another arm of this administration coming out to try to shut me down. Any sponsor that stays with me now they’re targeting through – you want to talk about the McCarthy era, look at what this country is becoming!" exclaimed Beck on his radio show.

MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan ripped Beck Wednesday for his support of the company. "That man there is paid by that other company to be a snake oil salesman at your expense. He’s no better than the very politicians that he claims to be against," said Ratigan. "Now listen to me, if you want to buy gold because you’re concerned about paper currency, which is very reasonable, I suggest you buy gold," advised Ratigan. "Just don’t do it with the extra subsidy that Goldline is delivering to Glenn Beck for his fear mongering which is 90 percent more than you could buy the same exact gold if you just went to the financial markets"…
I really doubt that this Administration has anything to do with trying to shut down Glenn Beck. I expect that Representative Weiner is acting on his own steam. This isn’t Obama’s style. But I want to shut Glenn Beck down. We went out of our way to go over all of his advertisers and write letters to any that had anything to do with us. When TD-Ameritrade did not write us back or respond to our calls, we had our entire Financial Portfolio which was heavily invested in T.D. Ameritrade products moved to other investment products who did not advertise on either Glenn Beck or Fox News. I don’t see that as a McCarthy era tactic, I see it as a boycott and I was proud to join it. The general boycott of advertisers on Beck’s show has been very effective.

Now someone has gone after his advertisement for Goldline, one of the few sponsors he has. You only have to see his show once to see that he’s pitching Gold in his rhetoric ["God, Gold, and Guns"]. And so besides the obvious, encouraging people to buy gold, he’s advertising a gold product that appears to be a major scam. Either it is or it isn’t, but that ball is in Representative Weiner’s hands. And if Rupert Murdoch wants to subsidize Glenn Beck’s Shows as some kind of twisted public service campaign for the cause of sedition, that’s his business. But from my perspective, I want to shut Glenn Beck down and will to join any legitimate effort aimed towards that goal.

It’s the least I can do…

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