My wife, a more seasoned political junkie than I, Tivo’d the news reports while we were gone, and is watching the news from Tuesday night. What’s missing in the coverage is the dark underbelly of this Administration. They’re not taking about The Bush Doctrine, a policy of American Dominion and a bailing out on the U.N. They’re not talking about the whole Neocon movement, or the American Enterprise Institute, or the Project for the New American Century. They’re not talking about the N.S.A. Unwarranted Domestic Surveillance, or the assault on the courts by the Federalist Society, or the Unitary Executive, or the C.I.A. leak of Valerie Plame‘s identity. They’re ignoring the fallacious pre-War Intelligence, or the disregarding of the Geneva Conventions, or the Signing Statements, or the torture policy, or the rampant War Profiteering, or 2839 dead Americans. They’re not mentioning Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of the 21st century, or WHIG, or OSP, or Scooter Libby. They’re forgetting the National Debt and the Oil Price gouging. et cetera…
Maybe it doesn’t matter to most, as long as they’re out of power. But it matters to me. They may be losing just because the war has gone badly, but their conduct in the other areas needs to be made explicit. Cancer surgery dictates a wide resection…
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